Psychotherapy that works for you!

We’re here to help you thrive

The primary focus of our practice is to see you thrive!
For each client this varies, to which we are able to provide multi-faceted psychological & practical approaches.

With 20 years of experience in working with people, families, couples and individuals I have a wide experience to help you to move forward in your relationship with self and others.

Office Location:
3310 South Service Road, Burlington, ON.
Fee: $150+HST/session


Psychotherapy Burlington Cost Matters

Knowing self leads to loving relationships

It’s a Journey

My counselling philosophy may be a right fit for you and your lifes journey.

Knowing Self

Knowing self allows us to be confident in our true-self, allowing others to interact with it.

Seeing Others

Seeing others allows us to create meaning in relationship.

Living Practices

Life practices tailored to knowing self and seeing others bring truth and love in life.

Choose your starting point

Explore counselling membership packs

Never been to therapy?
Free Consult

Get a free phone or online conversation to ease your mind when entering into therapy for the first time.
Subsequent in-person/online sessions are $169/hr

Self-help Modules *coming soon

Our 3 modules are designed for you to take at your convenience to launch you into a better life. It is a journey of KNOWING SELF, SEEING OTHERS and LIVING LIFE!

Corporate Team Building

No matter what business you are in, the foundation is people. Investing in human relations always has benefits. Dewy Counselling offers a half-day seminar for any work team looking to build relational equity.

Get unlimited access to our full suite of progressive videos when you become a member.

What our clients are saying


Small Business Owner

The transformation we have undergone both personally and as a couple as a result of our work with Wayne is nothing short of astounding. Wayne provides highly insightful input and actionable advice- tools and exercises that have allowed us (and continue to help us) navigate through the challenges of our marriage. With Wayne, we have each gained a deeper understanding of ourselves and how we can each contribute to building a marriage of love and true partnership. Wayne has been an unyielding supportive force during a time of significant challenge and transformation. We feel deeply grateful for the time and work Wayne has done with us as it brought us back together as a couple, and ultimately provided us with a stronger foundation for us to continue to build our marriage upon.”

Alex B.

Tattoo Artist

Wayne has made communication between my wife and I possible. The help and tools he’s given us thus far to work through or everyday issues has been a blessing. This is something I wish I had started a few years ago and would recommend his services to anyone. I feel heard and seen by him, he is insightful respectful and overall pleasant to speak to. Sessions have become something that we look forward to attending and plan to continue to use his services.



I’ve been in counselling for over a year with a psychologist but wanted to see what else was out there and luckily stumbled across Dewy Counselling and decided to give it a shot. Having only worked a handful of sessions with Wayne, I’m already incredibly impressed by his expertise, professionalism, empathy, and advice he’s provided. Wayne is great to work with and every session thus far has been a positive experience. Definitely would recommend Wayne to anyone looking for a psychotherapist and hope to continue working with Wayne! :).”

Stay connected helpful relational tips, stories, and news.



Wayne was excellent to work with- he has a very thoughtful way of approaching challenges and provides great advice and thought processes to be a better person and to live a more enjoyable life. Wayne also shared some helpful strategies so I had a plan and the tools when I was no longer getting his help on a weekly basis- although a plan on maybe an annual check in to stay focused! Great person and a great coach and would absolutely recommend Wayne to anyone looking to improve who they are so they can be a better partner in their relationship.”

Various styles of therapy

Walk Therapy - We’ll be with you every step of the way.
Talk Therapy - We’ll listen and converse.
Techniques - adapt different physiological and psychological practices
Aligning Therapy - involves the mind, body and spirit coming together

Modalities that are client focused: